Wednesday, May 9, 2007


some how I have lost track of what day I am on in Dr. Beck's book! Actaully I am following my own advice to Laura and taking a few days to review everything so far and re-evaluate my behavious to see if I am missing something. I know I am not at the diet of planning stages yet but I really feel that this is the right time to implement the planning part of the process. I am finally sufficently fed up with myself I feel that now is the right time to get my head "inthe game" and take control of what's going in my mouth as well as how it is going in there!

Since I started Dr. Beck's book I have been concious about how I eat - the manner in which I eat - but not at all with WHAT I've been eating - I have been letting myself eat the 4 cookies as long as I was sitting down and eating them slowly! ITs time to start planning things out - even if I am not yet following a strict "diet" its time to eat healthier.

That said - is it possible to change my plan from Day 2? I was to pick 2 diet plans and I did - but I am wondering if they are the right choice. I am thinking adapting the Best Life Diet and incorporating a food exchange program with it...

Sometimes you have to take a small step backwards to move forward!


Unknown said...

Hi, This is Judith Beck. It's good that you're taking The Beck Diet Solution a little more slowly to consolidate what you learn. As I said in an introductory chapter, you should go at your own speed. In terms of changing the diets you've chosen, of course you can do that! I think it's worth trying to stick to one diet (as long as it's nutritious) for at least a week or two before switching to another. Since there's no "magic" diet, you just want to pick one that's healthy, that you can stay on long-term, and that has foods you like and can obtain/prepare easily enough. And as I mention in Day 2, modify the diet in advance so you can have some planned indulgences. If you love chocolate chip cookies, make sure you allow yourself to have one, or part of one, either once a day or once a month or somewhere in between. When you eat one (or part) and want more, you can then say, "It's okay; I've planned to have more in another day/week/etc. It's disappointing not to be able to eat more now, but I'll be even more disappointed if I don't lose weight. Besides, I WILL have more in [a day/week/etc.].

Anonymous said...


This is fantastic!!

I have a ton of food I love, like today I had sushi...LOVE sushi. I had it in my plan. I stuck to my plan, and I didn't overeat. I had what I loved. I also agree with Dr. Beck, I find that diets are "generic" and no one diet is the right diet, unless you tweak. Like I'm doing 1500 calories a day. Its working. I mix in what I learned from Weight Watchers, Canadian Food Guide, etc. I don't eat junk, but I love sushi, I LOVE wine. So I plan for it. Besides, I can't have my cake and eat it too, OH WELL!! (You'll get the "Oh Well" when you reach Day 19 or 20, I forget). We are doing GREAT!!!

Kelly said...

Hello There,
I was just reading your blog and will check in again. I just ordered my BDS Book and can't wait to get started. IT was easy for me to keep my weight down when I had no kids or even one, but now that I'm up to three and 30 things are going so well. Here we go on the BDS adventure!

AnnieLamb said...

How cool Judith was here! I say do whatever it takes to keep you motivated! This book sounds incredible!